Become a Volunteer

Volunteers are always needed

If you are interested in volunteering give us a call on 07790 668672 or complete the contact form. Volunteers are called in rotation when a job comes in. They then decide whether or not they can help on this occasion - it's entirely up to them. If they can help, they then make contact with the client and complete the job. If not, they will be called again next time. Most volunteers are drivers but other services like DIY and gardening are also needed. We also need volunteers for our Lunch Club.

Volunteers are offered out of pocket expenses, including a milage allowance

When you volunteer 

... as a driver you don’t have to make a regular commitment. If a client needs our help, the Helpline team send out a text to selected volunteers with brief details. On receiving the text a volunteer can ignore it or, reply to accept the job. The same applies to gardening, DIY and visiting requests, except that the call will usually come from a team member dedicated to that section.

Motoring expenses ... ... are covered. A mileage allowance is paid for the use of a volunteer's car (except for Lunch Club transport, which is within Kings Langley.

The Lunch Club is every Tuesday between 11.30am and 2.00pm. Rotas are planned on a monthly basis and volunteers are asked on which Tuesday(s) they are able to help. Tasks include serving meals, chatting to the clients and collecting the diners from their homes in Kings Langley, then taking them home again.

Being a Helpline Organiser involves working mainly from home between 9.00am and 5.00pm on one or more days a month. We use a mobile phone and a dedicated computer programme so some computer skills are necessary. Because we use a mobile phone you won’t be tied to your home all day when you’re on duty.

Like to know more?

* Send an email to

* Send us a text: 07790 668672

* Call our helpline (9.00am to 5.00pm) 07790 668672

* Leave a message on Facebook

Introducing Karen Pearce ... 

You have probably chatted to her as she walks her friendly dogs around the village, but she is also one of the Good Neighbours’ volunteer drivers . We asked a young friend to interview her, and here are the responses to her pointed questions:

                                                                                                  How long have you been volunteering for KLGN?

I began volunteering five years ago, though had been meaning to offer earlier – just kept putting it off, even when I had the advert stuck on the fridge door as a prompt!

And was the signing up process as daunting as you thought?

Not at all, I thought that when I rang up I would have to endure a detailed process and didn’t know what it entailed, but it was so simple. One quick phone call to the helpline member on duty and Eric the chairman arranged a convenient time for me to have a quick chat with him about which area would suit me. All I had to do was consent to a DBS check, take a quick passport-style photo and decide where I could be most use..

Are there different volunteering roles within the KLGN then?

Oh yes, there's a wide range of options. For example; offering companionship, gardening, driving people to medical appointments, manning the helpline and volunteering at lunch club.

Oh wow, and what areas did you decide on?

The driving service and helping out at lunch club, I chose those areas because the flexibility suited me. A lot of organisations require you to commit to set days and times, something I couldn’t do. 

Something I didn’t realise before joining, was that it really doesn’t matter how little time and energy the volunteering requires.

Really, how many drives do you do on average per week then?

That’s the great thing, there is no set amount, I could do a drive one week and none the next.

How do they know your availability?

When you sign up as a driver you are asked what days you are available, what type of car you have and where you’re happy to drive to. The ironic thing is, I don’t actually enjoy driving, so I will only be asked to drive locally, I’ve said as far as Mount Vernon. But there are some specific drivers who cover as far as the London hospitals.

Do you cover all appointments, such as hairdressing?

Sadly not, because we are too short of drivers, so can usually only cover medical; GP, hospital, dentists, etc.

That’s a shame, but it’s very kind of you to give up your time and money.

No, not at all, it’s rewarding to help out and it’s lovely meeting new people. It’s fulfilling to know that by driving them to their appointments it lessens the burden on those that have family, and offers company to those that don’t. 

And I’m not giving any of my money, our fuel costs are reimbursed by our treasurer Alan.

You mentioned you help out at the lunch club, what does that entail?

Jan, our lunch club coordinator, emails us a month in advance to ask which Tuesdays we are available and the maximum number that we are happy to take. Again, I find the flexibility really helpful. 

Thanks, Karen and friend, perhaps you’ve inspired someone else to volunteer. Anyone needing to put the number on their fridge door, it’s: 07790 668672.

Getting to know Kings Langley

A couple of years ago Jeremy Taylor retired from a busy and demanding job.

“Now’s my chance to choose how I spend my time”, he thought. His involvement with the Musical Theatre Company took him to the Village Market one Saturday and an encounter with Stephen Clarke alerted him to Good Neighbours’ need for volunteer drivers . Because he once had a period of ill-health when he needed lifts to appointments he happily applied to join the GN driving team and has been a regular driver ever since!

He says, “In the two years I have been part of Good Neighbours I have driven villagers to their medical appointments at a wide range of clinical facilities around S W Herts, and North London. I have found it a rewarding and fulfilling experience to help so many interesting people,,,, My understanding of Kings Langley and its environs has also improved and if there was a village equivalent of the London cab drivers Knowledge I’m sure I would pass!” Thank you, Jeremy! The KLGNA tel no is : 07790 668672, open 9.00 – 5.00 daily.